Sunday, May 17, 2020

Public Health - 1526 Words

Introduction Public Health Law is a tool for protecting and promoting the health of the public and it is guided by a set of three principles known as the Core Functions of Public Health, which includes assessment, policy development, and assurance (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012; Florida Department of Health, 2012). It plays a critical role in reducing illness and premature death. It also examines the authority of the government at various jurisdictional levels to improve the health of the general population within societal limits and norms, in addition to, improving the likelihood that citizens nationally and globally can lead healthy, long, and productive lives (Public Health Law Association, 2010; Wikipedia, 2012).†¦show more content†¦The government also makes public health laws based on the constitution of the United States. Because the US is a democratic nation, the government cannot produce laws without the community electing officials that will ensur e the health of the people (Gostin, 2000; Institute of Medicine, 2003, NACCHO, 2003). Population-Based Perspective According to Gostin (2000), public health focuses on the health of populations. Populations are used in public health because it is done collectively to prevent and promote health. Also, it is not easy to separate individuals in a community. This is largely due to the methods that are utilized in public health. I agree because statistical methods are used for detecting disease outbreaks and clusters, the use of survey methods, interpreting time trends and geographic patterns, exploratory statistical analysis of surveillance data, and web-based health reporting systems for the rapid detection of public health problems. Epidemiologic methods are also used to monitor health patterns in populations and it has been a long-standing focus on public health (Brookmeyer Shroup, 2003; Gostin, 2000). The Relationship between the People and the State The government acts on behalf of the community by strengthening the healthcare systems and developing health sensitive policies and programs to promote healthy lifestyles (Gostin, 2000; Tarantola, 2000). According to Gostin (2000), public health lawsShow MoreRelatedPublic Health And Social Health869 Words   |  4 Pages In the 20th century, public health was greatly defined, shaped, and heralded by its’ breakthroughs’ against infectious diseases of the time and other communicable diseases. Stern and global policies supporting mass vaccinations and mass hygienic regulations, both created an environment in which Public Health as a discipline was able to advance and counter the plagues and pandemics of its’ day. 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